Dr Kalika Mehta
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Dr. Kalika Mehta is a Lecturer and Researcher in Law at the Centre for British Studies. Prior to taking up this position at the Centre in July 2023, she had been at the Centre since September 2022 as Research Coordinator for the DFG-funded project on F.A. Mann and his contribution to English, German, European and International Law. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Hamburg, Germany, and an LL.M. from the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. She is qualified to practice law in India.
Her research interests include human rights law, international criminal law, postcolonial theory and Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL). Her publications include a monograph on Strategic Litigation and Corporate Complicity in Crimes Under International Law: A TWAIL Analysis (Routledge 2023) and an edited collection on International Criminal Law - A Counterhegemonic Project? (Springer 2022) (with Florian Jeßberger and Leonie Steinl). In addition to other academic work experience, she has worked with human rights organisations in India, Germany, Myanmar, Switzerland and the UK. Her work at the Centre includes teaching/co-teaching ‘Constitutional Law and Political System’ and ‘Advanced Academic Writing and Debating’. Other responsibilities at the Centre include supervising MA theses and supporting the work placement scheme. |